Monday, December 22, 2008

Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee

For the past 3 or 4 years I have been reading the website of the sanctuary and checking out the ele-cam. This is such an enjoyable site. The workers keep diaries for the individual elies and after a while you feel like you know them. I have shared the joys and sorrows with them, bought things from the web store and donated small amounts of money.

This is off topic for the blog but I know that goat lovers would also be animal lovers. I encourage you and your children to check out this website and enjoy getting to know these gentle giants.

I've had a soft spot in my heart for Shirley ever since I saw her story on a TV documentary about 10 years ago. She was the lone elephant at a zoo in St. Louis or someplace and she had an aging but devoted keeper who pampered her and talked to her like a dear child. It was sad to see the old friends part. However, Shirley is no doubt happy and thriving in her retirement running around the hills of Tennessee with her friends.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Nice blog, I loved the pictures of your goats, such beautiful coloring. I got the link from a post on the yahoo group chevontalk. I primarily raise Boer goats but we do have a Nubian and I hope to add a couple more dairy goats this year as well.