Compared to our bucks, including the one we shipped in from Arizona, Pete is huge. On the other hand Shotsi is not a huge doe so whatever Pete's ultimate size, he probably won't sire huge animals.
For people who really are not "into" goats or Oberhasli, Shotsi classified 92(EEEE) earlier this year. This score is based on the scorecard which has 100 points. The four letters are for: general appearance, dairy character, body capacity and mammary, in that order.
GCH Willow Run Hassida, three time national show champion and current national show champion, classified 92 last year, the first Oberhasli in history to do so. This year there were two more: Shotsi, of course, and Sir Echo Brickers in Arizona. This is a very elite designation and the fact that two 92 does were champion and reserve validates both the linear appraisal system and the quality of the national show judging.

In addition, the sire of Pete is *B White Haven Sousa, 92(EEE) a Spotlight Sale buck in 2003. The sire of Sousa is the legendary *B Tonka Tails Court Jester (91), arguably the best and most influential buck of the current decade. The dam of Sousa is a doe I've never seen: White Haven Kalliope, but she was winner of "produce of dam" at a previous national show. She also gave birth to White-Haven Precentor a popular buck and sire of one of my own does: Squaw*Mountain Raspberry. I have to look to be sure but some of Kalliope's does may have also been champions in the now dispersed White-Haven herd. It seems to me, off the top of my head that the 2007 National Champion was a Kalliope daughter. I'll look that up and edit this. Stay tuned.
Well, having a gorgeous buck with this pedigree, we feel like we can't lose. However, a "pretty boy" buck is not what we're after. The good or bad (hopefully good) will be on the ground next spring. Good news is that the buck is mature enough to cover does in September for sure. He's got a "let me at her" attitude.
Tomorrow, I'm going to start blogging about herds and people I met at the national show. I attended, without goats, Tuesday for the milking show. As a Board Member of Oberhasli Breeders of America, and since the OBA sponsored the Grand and Reserve, I was planning on handing out awards. I got so involved with the show that I completely forgot.
These are just my opinions. So if I make a mistake or you don't agree with something I've said, leave a comment. It's a bright future for Ohio Oberhasli.
1 comment:
Note on Kalliope:
The 2007 ADGA National Champion was SGCH White-Haven Toblerone, not a Kalliope daughter. She is out of a recorded gradee doe, GCH White-Haven Fudge Nugget.
Kalliope's brother is more well-know, GCH White-Haven Krescendo. He has sired a few very recognizable does, 2005 Reserve National Champion, GCH White-Haven Misty and 2000 Junior National Champion Recorded Grade, GCH Choc-O-Latte (this is Nugget's dam). Choc-O-Latte is an amazing doe and her daughters consistently do well at the National Show. In 2008, a 3 year old daughter, GCH White-Haven Vanilla Fudge, was 3rd place and a 4 year old daughter, GCH White-Haven Truffle was 3rd with 3rd udder behind the National Champion and Reserve National Champion. Vanilla Fudge was actually the dam of one of the 2009 Colorama does.
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