I've been remiss about blogging. Just never seem to get to it. However, I'll try harder to post and put pictures up.
Last August I shipped in 8 purebred Oberhasli kids from Texas. Many thanks to Laura Rivard. She wants pictures but I've been remiss there, also. I promise to try to get those up soon. I love pictures, too.
These does are yearlings now and each and every one of them is a good looking and healthy young doe. Of course, I have my favorites. Here are the names in case you want to look them up:
Rivard-Farm Zorro's Cashew
Rivard-Farm Lucious Lilly [polled]
Rivard-Farm Wonder Woman
Rivard-Farm Sapphire's Summer [twin to next]
Rivard-Farm Star Sapphire
Rivard-Farm Lime-x Artemis
Rivard-Farm Zorro's Victoria
Rivard-Farm Limex Sweet Dreams
Purebred [PB] Oberhasli are descendents of the Pence Importation of Oberhasli in the '30s.
I have made a big effort to get PB semen in the tank to use. Some of these are:
Destiny Farm Duncan
Y-Knot Time to Dance
Commancheland Rewind
Meadowsong Rewind Yuri
Meadowsong Levi Amos
I'll post it if I get any good AIs settled. If you have any information at all about these does or bucks, I'd love to chat.
Information about American Oberhasli in the herd will be in the next post.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Oberhasli Buck Roll Call 2010-2011

First up, the American Oberhasli buck: *B Heaven's HOllow Pistol Pete. This is Pete's third breeding season with us.
Shotsi classified 92EEEE and was the Reserve National Champion in 2008 and National Grand Champion in 2009. She has made the top ten in the past and is slated to make it again in 2010. Shotsi's 2010 buck has been selected for the 2010 Spotlight Sale. This would be full brother to Pete.
We are all pleased with first kids out of Pete. Have no milker yet to show but soon.
2. Robin-Wood Bunda Big Cinsation.
"Runaway" is a beautiful, growthy, balanced young American buck. He is the result of an AI breeding to the great *B White-Haven Bundaberg, who happens to be sire to Shotsi as well.
3: The Lindisfarme Red Apache, pending.
This young buck is a Purebred which we purchased to breed to our young Purebred Oberhasli does when they are big enough.
His sire is: Milk-n-More PG Red Apache, owned by Arden Ward.
His dam is: Milk-n-More Miss Bonetti.
We have some other American homebred bucks here:
Lindisfarme Life Insurance, Ludwigs Mohawk Vada's Hansel X Lindisfarm Zeus Annette.
Lindisfarme Oscar, Ludwigs Mohawk Vada's Hansel X Squaw*Mountain Raspberry
Lindisfarme Pete's ...., Heaven's Hollow Pistol Pete X Lindisfarme Hansel's Trouble
All these bucks will be collected and semen available.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cabbage Leaves! Get out of my way!!
Yes, my small herd of purebred and American Oberhasli goats are getting cabbage leaves and some cull cabbage heads again, just like every year. People are sometimes surprised how much they love them and how many they eat. My goats can hear the old farm truck putting up the road and run to the fence in anticipation. The horses are eating their share as well. All four of the horses are cabbage eaters. My granddaughter swears that the horses hooves are improved due to the cabbage leaves.
While the goats prefer the crunchy leaves, the horses eat the heads like big old apples. And speaking of apples, they are all getting apples as well this time of year. The pen of purebred kids has had their cabbage leaves thrown in but aren't really all that crazy about them. They nibble, but really haven't gotten enthusiastic yet.
So I have a routine that I have evolved. I fill up the feeders with hay. Then I thrown in cabbage leaves or let them go to the pile. Then I give them their grain a couple hours later.
Pumpkins will be coming soon, girls.
While the goats prefer the crunchy leaves, the horses eat the heads like big old apples. And speaking of apples, they are all getting apples as well this time of year. The pen of purebred kids has had their cabbage leaves thrown in but aren't really all that crazy about them. They nibble, but really haven't gotten enthusiastic yet.
So I have a routine that I have evolved. I fill up the feeders with hay. Then I thrown in cabbage leaves or let them go to the pile. Then I give them their grain a couple hours later.
Pumpkins will be coming soon, girls.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Catch up!
I have a new junior herd sire. He is a son of *B White Haven Bundaberg and out of a doe that is linebred on Willow Run Sir Wil Hassida, 3X national champion, 92EEEE and top ten. Her picture is here on the blog. Haven't bred him to any does yet but he's eager to get the chance. He's available for outside breedings. Just let me know.
Last weekend we shipped in 8 purebred Oberhasli doe kids from Rivards Farm in Texas. Along with them came a polled PB buck kid. So I'm in the PB Oberhasli ranks now. Still have the Americans but I'm sure excited about the purebreds. On the way back Bob stopped in Tenn and picked up another PB buck who is out of Milk-n-More lines. He's a big beautiful buck kid and if these little girls get busy and grow we'll hopefully get a few PB kids in the spring.
*B Heaven's Hollow Pistol Pete is scheduled for collection again in Oct. Then in December he will be collected again. Semen is for sale by contacting me any time. It will probably also be on Come to the Farm Auction for benefit of the OBA in late Oct.
*B Heaven's Hollow Stetson This is Pistol Pete's full brother, born in 2010. He's been selected to be in the Spotlight Sale at the ADGA national convention in October. Their dam Shotsi is milking very well and racking up a great lactation record for this year that will no doubt put her into the top 10 once again.
My friend Katie Morgan is out in California until December and is learning to collect and process semen for A.I. She'll be back in December and then we'll have a lot of practicing to do. I was chatting with Katie on Facebook and it came on the news that there was that huge explosion which leveled 50 houses and killed some people. Katie was not too far away from it. Terrible tragedy.
Well, let's see I think that's all the goat news.
Last weekend we shipped in 8 purebred Oberhasli doe kids from Rivards Farm in Texas. Along with them came a polled PB buck kid. So I'm in the PB Oberhasli ranks now. Still have the Americans but I'm sure excited about the purebreds. On the way back Bob stopped in Tenn and picked up another PB buck who is out of Milk-n-More lines. He's a big beautiful buck kid and if these little girls get busy and grow we'll hopefully get a few PB kids in the spring.
*B Heaven's Hollow Pistol Pete is scheduled for collection again in Oct. Then in December he will be collected again. Semen is for sale by contacting me any time. It will probably also be on Come to the Farm Auction for benefit of the OBA in late Oct.
*B Heaven's Hollow Stetson This is Pistol Pete's full brother, born in 2010. He's been selected to be in the Spotlight Sale at the ADGA national convention in October. Their dam Shotsi is milking very well and racking up a great lactation record for this year that will no doubt put her into the top 10 once again.
My friend Katie Morgan is out in California until December and is learning to collect and process semen for A.I. She'll be back in December and then we'll have a lot of practicing to do. I was chatting with Katie on Facebook and it came on the news that there was that huge explosion which leveled 50 houses and killed some people. Katie was not too far away from it. Terrible tragedy.
Well, let's see I think that's all the goat news.
ADGA spotlight sale,
dairy goats,
Breeding Season or The Joy of Hormones
I have a pen of 9 sweet little 50# PB does. Right along side is a pen of 3 kid bucks. they're fighting and butting heads and mounting each other, blubbering at the girls. Then my big buck gets out and he's been blubbering around the little girls for 2 days. By that I mean, he was running around the pen on the outside, fighting with the little bucks in their pen throught the fencing and trying desperately to get to the girls. Knowing I was going to drag him back to his own barn, he wasn't about to let me catch him.
I go down yesterday to feed. Horror! Here's the 3 buck kids running amuck! the old buck was so upset and running around the outside, pushing the gate and sticking his head in. He just couldn't get over it. Just couldn't figure a way to get in.
The little girls are running around and around in the doe pen trying to get away from them. But there's no way to get away from 3 horny little bucks. One of the larger ones seems to be in heat but wasn't standing. And a couple of the other little girls had managed to get into the buck side. They were too spooked to let me catch them.
One person can only do so much.
I managed to get the three buck kids back on their side but the does wouldn't cooperate so I had to leave them in on the buck side, too. Poor things. They were jumped and mobbed and molested continuously until someone could go down and help me separate them.
Yeah, it's crazy all right. I don't really think anything got bred, but you know goats! It'll be over in a month or two. TG.
I go down yesterday to feed. Horror! Here's the 3 buck kids running amuck! the old buck was so upset and running around the outside, pushing the gate and sticking his head in. He just couldn't get over it. Just couldn't figure a way to get in.
The little girls are running around and around in the doe pen trying to get away from them. But there's no way to get away from 3 horny little bucks. One of the larger ones seems to be in heat but wasn't standing. And a couple of the other little girls had managed to get into the buck side. They were too spooked to let me catch them.
One person can only do so much.
I managed to get the three buck kids back on their side but the does wouldn't cooperate so I had to leave them in on the buck side, too. Poor things. They were jumped and mobbed and molested continuously until someone could go down and help me separate them.
Yeah, it's crazy all right. I don't really think anything got bred, but you know goats! It'll be over in a month or two. TG.
baby goats,
dairy goats,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Pistol Pete semen is available at Naitonals.

Since Pete collected particularly well this winter and we are well stocked for 2009 semen we are offering it for sale with delivery to the National Show in Louisville. Please get in touch with me so I can reserve the straws you want. Pete's semen was used this past winter and he has AI kids on the ground.
I have two beautiful buck kids out of Pete. One buck's gr-dam was a once in a lifetime milker. See this blog for an old post about Cherokee. It was our first modern oberhasli and we didn't know that she was special. She milked almost 2 gal 2X a day and even in the fall was over a gallon. That certainly would have put her in the top ten and maybe even a bigger record. We weren't on test. The dau doesn't milk anyway near that but has a beautiful round udder and small teats. Her name is Lindisfarme Fred's Cherry. Price is $350.
Second buck is out of a taller doe. Again very prestigious pedigree. West coast genetics. Great udder, good milker. If I can get her into the show ring should be a winner. Price is $400.
Looking for some young stock to add to my herd. Let me know if you want to trade or sell.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Horses and Goats from YouTube
These aren't my horses or goats but I still enjoyed this. The goats are well behaved and very good looking. Enjoy.
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