I'm not sure not we would live without a Bobcat. We bought it with every penny we could scrape up about 2003. At the time I was reluctant to spend the money, but now...
1: Clean out pens. We take down the goats and panels that make up the pens and hubby goes in and scrapes up the manure and bedding. Doing this once a month is ideal, but we usually end up doing it more like every 3 months.
2: Along with #1, we bucket the manure/bedding to the area of the garden by the fenceline and let it compost for a year or two.
3: Hubby transports bales of hay, both large round and small, two or more at a time, from one barn to another.
4. While we're on the subject of hay, Bob made hay one year and the bales were all over the field. Neither him nor I had the backs to handle that much hay. He used the Bobcat and precisely stacked those bales on the trailer with great precision. And it didn't take that much longer. It would take a lot of practice to do a job like that but it is possible.
5. He has used the Bobcat as a jack. Yes, a car, tractor jack.
6. We had to bury a horse. that was a sad job, but it worked well.
7. He cleans off snow. You can either scoop it with the bucket or turn the bucket upside down, and driving backwards, scrape it.
8. You can put gravel in a truck or you can put gravel in a driveway or something. You can move heavy rocks or boulders.
9. You can pull out fence posts. You use a log chain, wrap it around the post, and lift the bucket.
10. You can use it as a mini-bulldozer to tear down an old shed, to scrape off heavy weeds, to dig a hole, to smooth out a low or wet area... actually about anything you need to do that would require heavy lifting.