I hope I'm not boring you with scientific or technical articles, in this case an abstract. I have feeds for these things and when I see something interesting, I want to share it. This study was with dairy sheep, but they certainly are similar to dairy goats.
Artificial Lighting During Winter Increases Milk Yield in Dairy Ewes
A. D. Morrissey, A. W. N. Cameron and A. J. Tilbrook1 Department of Physiology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia
1 Corresponding author: alan.tilbrook@med.monash.edu.au
In Australia, the supply of sheep milk is reduced during the
winter. Housing dairy animals under lights during winter is
a simple technique to increase milk yield; however, it is difficult
to predict the magnitude of this increase in dairy ewes, because
there are few corroborating data. We studied 220 East Friesian
crossbred ewes (50 primiparous and 170 multiparous ewes, respectively)
that lambed in April to May 2007 (late autumn, southern hemisphere)
and were weaned from their lambs within 24 h of parturition
and milked exclusively by machine. These ewes were ranked according
to their milk production, and ewes producing

1,000 mL/d of milk
were allocated to 1 of 2 groups. One group of ewes was kept
indoors under a long-day photoperiod (16 h of light), whereas
the other group was kept indoors under a naturally declining
day length. Ewes were maintained under these conditions for
8 wk. Milk yield was measured twice weekly, and ewe weight and
condition were measured at weekly intervals. From a subset of
ewes (n = 20 per group), milk samples were collected twice weekly
at the morning milking to measure milk lipid, protein, and lactose,
and blood samples were collected once a week to measure plasma
prolactin concentrations. Mean daily milk yield was analyzed
as a percentage of preexperimental milk yield because the milk
yield of ewes housed under the long photoperiod was lower than
that of ewes under a declining day length when the treatments
began. Thus, the ewes under a long photoperiod yielded 91.7%
of their starting yield by wk 8 of treatment, whereas ewes under
a declining day length yielded 76.25% of their initial value
(LSD = 5.1), and this divergence in milk yield was apparent
by wk 2 of treatment. Mean plasma prolactin levels were greater
in ewes housed under the long-day photoperiod (n = 20) compared
with control ewes (n = 20) at wk 6 (168 ± 27 vs. 72 ±
19 ng/mL, respectively), wk 7 (125 ± 28 vs. 37 ±
7 ng/mL, respectively), and wk 8 of the experiment (132 ±
35 vs. 31 ± 7 ng/mL, respectively). The composition of
the milk was similar between the groups at each time point,
and milk from these ewes (n = 20 per group) contained, on average,
6.1 ± 0.05% lipid, 4.8 ± 0.02% protein, and 5.4
± 0.01% lactose (n = 309 samples). We concluded that
ewes increase milk production in response to being housed under
a long-day photoperiod during winter.
J. Dairy Sci. 2008. 91:4238-4243. doi:10.3168/jds.2007-0918
© 2008 American Dairy Science Association ®
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